Then come to the module "Technology Law" with the courses "Technology Law" and "Technology Law in Practice".
Technology law
The following topics in particular will be dealt with in the course "Technology law":
- What are the prerequisites and consequences of legal and statutory liability, in particular in sales and work contract law, also taking into account the VOB/B?
- What are the requirements and consequences of joint and several liability?
- What special liability offences, in particular product, plant and environmental liability, are there, in particular strict liability?
- What safety requirements apply under the Product Safety Act, the Federal Immission Control Act or the Genetic Engineering Act?
- What is waste and what legal obligations arise in this respect from the Closed Substance Cycle Waste Management Act?
- What can be patented as a technical invention, obtain plant variety protection as a breeding or discovery or when am I the author; what are the rights arising from an intellectual property right?
- What is personal data and what requirements does data protection law impose for its processing?
The basics of technology law are also taught.
Technikrecht in der Praxis
The event "Technology Law in Practice" supplements the module with lectures by guest lecturers from the field. Experts, lawyers, civil servants from ministries and (supervisory) authorities and employees from legal departments of various companies and specialisms give lectures on changing topics from the field of technology law.
Introductory and specialisation courses
Um den Inhalten der Veranstaltung besser folgen zu können, wird die vorherige Teilnahme an der Veranstaltung Einführung in das Recht für Ingenieure dringend empfohlen (keine formale Voraussetzung). Bei besonderem Interesse ist noch auf die Vertiefungsveranstaltungen Ausgewählte Themen des Privatrechts (insb. Handels-, Gesellschafts- und Arbeitsrecht) und Ausgewählte Themen des Öffentlichen Rechts (insb. Gewerbe-, Bau-, Umwelt- und Wirtschaftsrecht) zu verweisen.
In order to be able to follow the contents of the course better, prior participation in the course Introduction to Law for Engineers is strongly recommended (no formal requirement). If you are particularly interested, please refer to the in-depth courses Selected Topics of Private Law (in particular Commercial, Corporate and Labour Law) and Selected Topics of Public Law (in particular Commercial, Construction, Environmental and Business Law).
Further information
The module is offered in both the winter and summer semesters. It can be taken in various degree programmes as part of the studium generale. The module comprises the course "Technology Law" with 2 SWS and 4 ECTS can be earned with a 90-minute written examination. The module also includes the course "Technology Law in Practice", which comprises 1 SWS and is completed with a paper on a guest lecture (1 ECTS). The module is offered as a block course on four Fridays in February/March and August/September. Note: There will also be intensive exam preparation
Please note that the courses are only offered in German and that specialised language is used.