Web editorial staff

© Finn Winkler | Juristische Fakultät Hannover

The web editorial team is responsible for the external presentation of the faculty. In addition to managing the faculty, institute and chair websites and creating special conference presentations, this also includes maintaining the social media presence and creating posters.

If you have any change requests or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Web-Redaktion der Juristischen Fakultät
Web-Redaktion der Juristischen Fakultät

Changes to personnel data

Please contact the EPV officer or use the following change form if you wish to make changes to the presentation of personnel data (including telephone numbers, email addresses, etc.):

You can notify the EPV officer of changes, e.g. to your chair, directly using the change form.

Social Media

The Faculty of Law on Facebook
The Faculty of Law on Twitter
The Faculty of Law on Instagram