Prof. Dr. Volker Epping
30167 Hannover
1959 Born in Dortmund
1978 A-Levels (Abitur)
1978 – 1980 Fixed-term soldier, rank: Reserve Lieutenant
Winter Semester 1980/81 - Winter Semester 1985/86 Studies in Law at Ruhr-Universität Bochum
1982 – 1985 Student Assistant at the Chair for Civil Law and Modern History of Law of Professor Dr. Hermann Dilcher, Faculty of Law, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
01/1986 First State Exam in Law
1986 – 1988 Research Assistant at the Chair for Public Law III (Public International Law) of Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Knut Ipsen, Faculty of Law, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
1989 – 1997 Research Associate (until November 1989), then Acadamic Assistant at the Chair for Public Law III (Public International Law) of Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Knut Ipsen, Faculty of Law, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
04/1989 Second State Exam
12/1992 Doctor in Law, Faculty of Law, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, title of the doctoral thesis: "Grundgesetz und Kriegswaffenkontrolle - Erfüllung des Verfassungsauftrags durch den einfachen Gesetzgeber? Verfassungsanspruch und Rechtswirklichkeit"
07/1994 - 06/1996 Habilitation fellowship from the German Research Foundation
Winter Semester 1996/97 Professor ad interim of Public Law, Faculty of Law, University of Münster
12/1996 Habilitation, Venia Legendi for Public Law
Habilitation treatise: "Die Außenwirtschaftsfreiheit"; Habilitation presentation on the topic of: "Democratic Legitimation of the Judiciary of the European Communities"1997 – 1999 University lecturer for Public Law, Faculty of Law, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
04/1997 – 07/1997 Professor ad interim for Public Law, Faculty of Law, University of Cologne
10/1997 – 02/1998 Professor ad interim for Public Law, Faculty of Law, University of Freiburg
04/1998 – 07/1998 Professor ad interim for Public Law, Faculty of Law, University of Regensburg
03/1999 – 11/2001 University Professor for Public Law, Faculty of Law. University of Münster
since 12/2001 University Professor for Public Law, Chair for Public International and European Law, Faculty of Law, Leibniz University Hannover
04/2004 – 03/2007 and 10/2008 – 03/2009 Dean of the Faculty of Law, Leibniz University of Hanover
04/2009 – 03/2011 Member of the Senate, Leibniz University Hannover and Member of the Senate, Niedersachsen Institutes of Technology
07/2012 Best Lecture Award
since 01/2015 President of Leibniz University of Hanover