Contents and Course of Study

© Finn Winkler | Juristische Fakultät Hannover

Course of studies

The LL.M. programme in IT & IP Law is designed to be completed in one academic year (two semesters).

The first semester will take place in Hannover and will start at the beginning of September. All courses and examinations for the first semester will be completed by mid-December.

Second semester will take place at one of our partner universities. Courses for second semester begin sometime between early January and early April, depending on the university, and usually end between April and June.

Students will also spend 26 weeks working on a Master's thesis which will be due before the end of the second semester.  

At the end of the program, students are invited to a graduation ceremony where they will be presented with diplomas and certificates. This usually takes place at the end of November or the early part of December. Graduates who are not able to attend will receive their documents by mail.

Study plan in the course of studies

First Semester

  • Compulsory Modules

    Basics (min. 14 of 28 CP)


    (English, 6 CP)


    (Deutsch, 6 CP)

    Introduction to Legal Informatics and Data Protection Law (Englisch, 4 CP)

    Juristisches Entscheiden im elektronischen Zeitalter (Deutsch, 4 CP)

    European Regulation and Comparative Legal Aspects in the Information Society, including Competition Law (English, 4 CP)

    Copyright Law (English, 4 CP)

  • Compulsory Elective Modules

    Legal Advice 
    (min. 8 of 16 CP)

    oder Technology
    (8 of 20 CP)

    Intellectual Property 
    (8 von 21 LP)

    Vertragsverhandlung und -recht im IT-Bereich (Deutsch, 4 CP)

    Aspects of Information Science, Security and Computing (English, 4 CP)

    Copyright Law (English, 4 CP)

    IT/IP Prozess und Verfahrensrecht (Deutsch, 2 CP)

    Recht der Telekommunikation (Deutsch, 4 CP)

    Alternative Licensing

    (English, 2 CP)

    Markenrechtliche Bezüge des IT Rechts (Deutsch, 2 CP)

    European IP Law (English, 4 CP)

    Media Law (English, 4 CP)

    Besonderheiten des Strafrechts im IT-Bereich (Deutsch, 4 CP)

    IT-Contracts (English, 4 CP)

    International Private Law and the Internet (English, 3 CP)

    Recht des elektronischen Geschäftsverkehrs in Industrie und Verwaltung (Deutsch, 4 CP)

    Media Law (English, 4 CP)

    European IP Law (English, 4 CP)



    US IP Law (English, 4 CP)

  • Elective Modules

    Legal English
    (2 CP)

    Practical Training
    (3-6 CP)

    Can also be done in the second semester.

Second Semester

  • Compulsory Modules

    Semester Abroad
    (min. 15 CP)

    Master Thesis
    (20 CP)

  • Elective Modules

    Legal English
    (2 CP)

    Practical Training
    (3-6 CP)

    Can also be done in the first semester.

You can find an overview of the study plan here.



In order to pass a course successfully, the requisite exam must be completed. All lectures are concluded with exams (as a rule paper-based) and together with the result of the final thesis, their results form the final mark. All partner universities use the ECTS System (European Credit Transfer System) in order to ensure that the results produced during the stay abroad are acknowledged without problems.

The examination for the successful completion of the LL.M programme in IT-Law and IP-Law and for the acquisition of the LL.M title consists of a thesis and an examination.

The final thesis is written during the second semester. The allocation of topics takes place towards the end of the first semester. Students are free to make proposals concerning the topics of their thesis and in this way, can formulate their own main focus of the thesis.

The final mark is made up of the assessment of the final thesis (40%) and the average mark of the single course exams (marked in accordance with ECTS points) (60%). If requested by a student, a course mark can also remain unconsidered when the final assessment is made.

European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)

All achievements during the EULISP course of studies are assessed in accordance with the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). ECTS is a system to credit study achievements; its use was agreed upon between the EULISP partner universities.

ECTS has been developed by the European Union. It serves to promote the cooperation of universities and to enable students to gain experiences abroad. It constitutes one project of the SOCRATES/ERASMUS programme to improve the acknowledgement of academic achievements within the European Union.

With the help of the ECTS-system commonly agreed means of assessment, it is much easier for universities to acknowledge study achievements gained abroad.

The ECTS system is classified into two components. There is a system of marks for the assessment of achievements (marks A, B, C, D, E, F, FX) as well as a credit point system to assess the work which is necessary to successfully complete a study course. Successful attendance of a study course (at least the ECTS mark E needs to be achieved) is honoured with a predetermined number of ECTS points. EULISP partner universities mutually acknowledge ECTS marks as well as ECTS points.

Regarding the students in Hanover, the EULISP conditions of study and the examination regulations determine how many ECTS points need to be achieved in order to fulfil the admission requirements for the final exam. In total, 40 points from study courses must be achieved - at least 25 ECTS points in Hanover (including 6 ECTS points in a seminar), 15 ECTS points during the stay abroad. The final thesis is assessed with 20 ECTS points. At least 60 ECTS points need to be acquired to successfully complete the course of studies.

The ECTS assessment/rating scale is as follows:

ECTS Percentage* Definition
FX - FAILED - Amendments are necessary before the performance will be acknowledged
F - FAILED - Substantial improvements are necessary

*Percentage of successful students who normally get this mark

Do you have questions about studying? We are happy to help!

EULISP Course Guidance
Office hours
Mon. 14:00 - 15:00 appointments by email and by request.
Königsworther Platz 1
30167 Hannover
EULISP Course Guidance
Office hours
Mon. 14:00 - 15:00 appointments by email and by request.
Königsworther Platz 1
30167 Hannover