Am 24. Juni wird Frau Afrooz Maghzi auf Einladung des Instituts für rechtswissenschaftliche Grundlagenforschung im Rahmen der Ringvorlesung "Jenseits des Staates" einen Vortrag zum Thema „State law and out of court dispute resolution in minority communities” halten. Die Veranstaltung findet um 18.30 Uhr in Raum 1502.009 (Conti-Hochhaus) statt.
Interessierte sind herzlich eingeladen, teilzunehmen.
Über den Vortrag
Ms. Maghzi will report about the mechanisms of dispute resolution in minority communities in the U.K, Germany and Canada. She will focus on the usage of these mechanisms and the legislative approach of the compared countries referring to them.
In addition to that the lecture will be about the public and academic debate over these mechanisms, which led to the reform of law in Ontario (Canada) in 2006, and the introduction of a legislative proposal in England in 2011.