Juristische Fakultät Fakultät Professuren Prof. Dr. Lüttringhaus Aktuelles
Professor Dr. Jan Lüttringhaus, LL.M. (Columbia) gives lecture on "Liability for Cyber-Risk and Cyber-Insurance in the Conflict of Laws"

Professor Dr. Jan Lüttringhaus, LL.M. (Columbia) gives lecture on "Liability for Cyber-Risk and Cyber-Insurance in the Conflict of Laws"

© Finn Winkler | Juristische Fakultät Hannover

On November, 8th 2019, Prof. Dr. Jan Lüttringhaus gave a lecture on “Liability and Insurance for Cyber-Risk in the Conflict of Laws” at the University of Münster. The conference was dedicated to “Conflict of Laws 4.0 – Artificial Intelligence, Smart Contracts and bitcoins as challenges for Private International Law”.


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