Juristische Fakultät Fakultät Professuren Prof. Dr. Dornis Aktuelles
Neuer Aufsatz von Professor Dornis erscheint in European Intellectual Property Review (E.I.P.R.)

Neuer Aufsatz von Professor Dornis erscheint in European Intellectual Property Review (E.I.P.R.)

Die European Intellectual Property Review (E.I.P.R.) zählt zu den führenden europäischen Journals auf dem Gebiet des Immaterialgüterrechts. Ein neuer Beitrag zum Thema Text und Data Mining und Training generativer KI-Modelle erscheint in der Februar-Ausgabe.

Titel und Abstract lauten:

The Training of Generative AI is not Text and Data Mining

The creative capacities of generative artificial intelligence (AI) systems can be attributed to an extensive training of the underlying models. This training utilizes massive amounts of data, most of which are protected by copyright. While the discussion in the US is conducted in light of the fair use defence, AI developers in Europe refer to the exceptions for text and data mining under the DSM Directive 2019/790. However, a closer look at the technological foundations of generative AI training reveals that the text and data mining exception does not apply. The training of generative AI models without licences for the works used as training data is therefore copyright infringement.


Der Aufsatz ist zudem auf SSRN erhältlich:
